What We’re About
In short - we are all about intentional time in a quiet place.
Most of us have experienced the exhaustion that often accompanies coming home from a “vacation.” At H&M Retreats, we aren’t just about getting away, staying in a cabin or exploring somewhere new.
The aim for this environment is to provide a place with minimal distractions where you can unplug from the routine of normal life and focus on the things that really matter. This doesn’t happen by accident, though. Time like this comes through intention and purpose. This is where we come in. . .
Our desire is to provide you with the tools and environment you need to turn a “getaway” into an unforgettable experience where you are refreshed through intentional time in a quiet place.

Our Story
In 2017, several friends gathered together at a lake house for their first annual marriage retreat. It was simple: intentional conversations with your spouse and good times with friends who want to see your marriage succeed. During that and subsequent years, they dreamed of being able to do something so life-giving for others.
In August of 2019 this dreaming officially began to come alive in forming a 501c3 non-profit called H&M Christian Retreats Inc. and receiving a significant financial and land donation from the Harvey and Melba Khale Trust (this is where “H&M” came from). In the months that followed, God continued to work in amazing ways to provide what was needed to make possible this beautiful retreat location south of Hermann, Missouri.
We hope that, no matter what part of your life needs refreshed - your marriage, team, family, or your own soul - you will find that refreshment here through intentional time away.